Study Abroad

London, England
May 12 - 24, 2025

Courses: MEBU 4490 & MEBU 3398

Program Fee: $4,498
Reserved Airfare: $1,500
Total Cost: $5,998

Sign up for a Magical Mystery Tour of learning and fun in London, England! Explore the city's rich musical heritage from the perspective of the entertainment business. Develop a digital marketing strategy inside the Sony Entertainment boardroom to launch an emerging UK artist in the US. Learn from top Sony Executives, including Simon Cowell’s marketing team.

LondonVisit a Performing Rights Organization and learn how artists get paid for their intellectual property. Travel on the Virgin Bullet train to the historic city of Liverpool and walk in the footsteps of the Beatles. Revel in Britain’s favorite sport with a visit to Te Arsenal’s football stadium. Study London’s political culture with an insider’s tour of the Houses of Parliament, including a face-to-face meeting with a Member of Parliament.

Experience London’s music culture first-hand with visits to: the Royal Albert Hall, Abbey Road Studios, a British Music Heritage Tour, Tileyard Studios, and much more!

“I’ll forever be in debt to the MEBUS program for giving me the opportunity to visit all the amazing places and meet the incredibly talented people that I encountered there. I’ll be sharing these stories until the day I die.” - London Study Abroad Student
